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Guidance and Support for Theatremakers and Live Artists in London!

To support artists towards the end of the pandemic, and to develop my own thinking and practice in training, I am currently offering my services as a freelance dramaturg for free* to first-time clients for up to an entire hour!

As a freelance dramaturg, I offer support, guidance and advice on all of the following:

As a freelance dramaturg, I offer support, guidance and advice on every aspect of your performance. For a complete list of what I can offer, please click on this arrow:

-- The performance-specific interrelation of all theatrical elements (i.e. lighting, sound, projection, music, set, costume, props, acting, dance, song, etc.) and their creative purposes, uses and effects.

-- The performance-based communication of theories, ideas and concepts (for example symbolic subtext, or sociopolitical agendas or messages beyond the text).

-- Finding creative, original and imaginative means of staging live performances.

-- Honing and developing talent (acting techniques, movement techniques, etc.).

-- Enrichment and improvement of form, structure, style and integrity of devised work, playtexts, play scores and suchlike written works.

-- The creative and effective incorporation of found objects, music, puppetry and other suchlike non-essential items into live performances.

-- Historical accuracy, political correctness and cultural awareness in live performances.

-- The usage and organisation of set [pieces], costumes and props and the aesthetics these produce together.

-- The usage and organisation of technical (lighting, sound and projection) elements and the aesthetic/ambience these produce both separately and together.

-- Devising and rehearsal techniques.

-- Group dynamics and morales, and role distribution.

-- Rehearsal scheduling and planning.

-- Presentation and aesthetics of press releases, posters, trailers and other such materials intended for publicity.

-- Marketing and publicity strategies and procedures.

For more information on this professional service, and to book your free* two-hour consultation, click here!

* Consultations are free for the first hour and for first-time clients only and are offered on the condition that a written testimonial be provided at the end of your session. Consultations longer than one hour and those organised for returning clients are priced at the normal rates listed on this webpage.



To find out about all of the professional services I offer, please click here.

And for critical writings on theatre, please click here.


Be Brave.

Be Kind.

You Are Blessed.


All content on this website belongs to Lee James Broadwood  | Copyright © 2022

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